New Castle County Council discusses spending over $600,000 on a new EMS Station in Middletown for the surrounding area, and lower New Castle County. If approved it will to be built by Christiana Care on the planned site of their new Emergency room, and leased to the County. Ground breaking could begin September 2012 with an estimated completion by March or April of 2013. Council is considering leasing rather than buying due to predicted population shifts expected in lower New Castle County. The site is to be built on Brick Mill Rd. in Middletown, adjacent to 299, in close proximity to Routes 1 and 13. Issues were raised about using Local Contractors and Minority participation. Under State Law if Government money is used to build then the Responsible Contracting Act must apply. Which requires local Contractors, Minority participation, and prevailing wage. If Christiana Care is building it and the County is leasing it, does State Law apply?
Bill McLaughlin